Make Taiwan Passport / Visa Photo Online

How idPhotoDIY works

Step 1: Take passport photo using smart phone or digital camera.

  • Take the photo in front of a plain background such as white wall or screen.
  • Make sure that there are no other objects in the background.
  • Make sure there are no shadows on your face or on the background.
  • Position the camera in the same height as the head.
  • Shoulders should be visible, and there should be enough space around the head for cropping the photo.

Step 2: Upload the photo to make passport size photo.

Upload photo to make Taiwan visa photo

Click here if you want to make passport / visa photos for other countries.

Passport Photo Size and Requirements

  • Photos must be 45 x 35 mm in size.
  • Head size must be between 32 mm and 36 mm or 70 - 80% of the photo.

Example Photos

Taiwan Passport Photo Guide

Other Passport / Visa Photo Rules, Guidelines, and Specifications

  • The photograph must be less than 6 months old.
  • The photograph must measure 45 x 35 mm in size (1.77 inches long x 1.38 inches wide) and show a close-up of the head and top of the shoulders.
  • The chin to crown (crown is the position of the top of the head if there were no hair) must be between 32 mm and 36 mm (70 to 80 per cent of the vertical height of the picture).
  • Head or any part of hair must not touch the frame of the photograph (female applicant's hair is permitted to touch the bottom frame of the photograph).
  • The photograph must be color neutral, with no ink marks or creases.
  • The photograph must show the subject facing square on and looking directly at the camera, with eyes open and clearly visible. A neutral expression (no smiling, mouth closed) and a natural skin tone are required. The photograph must have appropriate brightness and contrast.
  • There must be no hair across the eyes. Both edges of the face must be clearly visible. The photograph must not show the subject looking over one shoulder (portrait style) or with head tilted to one side or backwards or forwards. Ears, moles, birthmarks or scars must not be covered. An applicant with microtia is allowed to conceal the ears, but both edges of the face must be clearly visible.
  • The photograph must have a plain white background. The lighting must be uniform with no shadows or reflections on the face or in the background. The subject's eyes must not show red eye.
  • The photographs must be at high resolution and printed on plain, high quality photographic paper. The image must be clear, sharp and in focus. Resampling of the original image or alteration of the image's size before printing is not permitted.
  • Photographs taken with a digital camera must be high quality color and printed on photo-quality paper. The camera must be with at least 3 million pixels and set to "the highest quality and high saturation". Alteration of the digital image is not permitted.
  • If the subject wears glasses:
    • The photograph must show the eyes clearly with no reflection or glare in the glasses. Avoid tinted lenses (with the exception of the visually disabled).
    • Avoid heavy frames and make sure that the frames do not cover any part of the eyes.
  • Head coverings are not permitted except for religious or medical reasons, but facial features from bottom of chin to top of forehead and both edges of the face must be clearly shown.
  • Photographs must show the child's head and shoulders only (no chair backs, toys, pacifiers or other people visible).


How to make Taiwan Passport / Visa photo at home

Step 1: Use a digital camera or a smartphone

Find someone to take the photo for you and selfie photo is not acceptable for passport photo application. If you have a tripod, use it. A tripod will make it easier to keep the camera steady and level. The distance of the person to the camera should be around 1 meter.

Step 2: Find a venue with good lighting

When taking photo, you should face the light, such as a nice bright window or the door. This can provide even lighting to avoid shadows on the face and background. The face must be evenly lit. There should be no shadows and glares on the face.

Note: No need to worry about the background as our online passport photo generator will automatically remove or change the background for you.

unacceptable passport photo

Step 3: Wear properly for your passport photo

Do not wear uniforms. Wear regular street clothes in your photo.

Do not wear eyeglasses. If you wear glasses, sunglasses, or tinted glasses, take them off for your passport photo.

Your face must still be fully visible.  Don’t let your hair drape over your face and obscure your eyes. If you have very long bangs that cover your eyebrows, you should pin them back with bobby pins. It’s best if your ears show, as well, but that won’t cause your photo to be rejected.

No hats are allowed in passport photos unless it is religious headgear such as a headscarf or yarmulke that you wear every day.

acceptable passport photo

Step 4: Pose for a passport

Look straight towards the camera with face straight on. Head should not be tilted or rotated.

Both ears showing or both edges of the face visible if hair covers the ears.

Shoulders should be visible, and there should be enough space around the head for cropping the photo.

Position the camera in the same height as the head.

unacceptable passport photo

unacceptable passport photo

Step 5: Have a neutral facial expression

You can smile in your passport photos, but the government prefers that you have a neutral facial expression.

Smiling or having your mouth open is usually not acceptable, especially under the new international passport rules.

acceptable passport photo

Unacceptable passport photo


Good and bad examples of passport photos

Example of passport photos

Printed passport photos

Online Passport Photo Generator

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